sports chronicles [2/8]

warm-up and stretching

37th edition of the Freedom Marathon

Do you want to prepare as well as possible for this37th edition? That's a good thing! Every week, you will find our sports column produced in collaboration with the Caen Athletic Club and Harmonie Mutuelle, the health partner of the D-Day Landings Marathon. On the program, tips, advice and prevention to make you live the best possible experience on D-Day!

Before a race or training session, a good warm-up is essential. You're preparing your muscles for a quick start, so take care of them. A sports preparation session requires a great deal of effort from your muscles because they are put under greater strain. Without warming up and stretching, you risk injuring yourself before the end of your physical preparation. Warming up will help you get the most out of your sessions.


How to warm up?

1. Start your session with a brisk, athletic walk for 5 to 10 minutes. This will allow you to wake up your muscles.

2. Next, work on your ranges for 10 to 15 minutes: heel and buttocks, knee raises, heel toes, floor claps, back cycle. During the exercises, don't forget to use your arms. This will allow you to wake up the upper part of the muscle chain.


The order of the ranges as outlined above is important as it will allow you to progressively activate your muscle chain. First statically, then dynamically with the floor griffés and the backward run.


Note: Work your scales slowly! Does this surprise you? This is a gentle way to wake up your muscles. Save your energy for the rest of your session. In all, a good muscular awakening lasts about 20 minutes if you plan to do a one-hour session afterwards. If you are planning a shorter training session of 30 to 40 minutes, then 10 minutes of wake-up will be enough to prepare your muscles for the effort.


After your session, a return to calm is necessary. A short jog of 10 to 15 minutes at a lower intensity will allow you to make the transition from the major effort you have just made. Finally, after your session, stretch. Stretching will increase your muscle amplitude and prevent injuries. Take the time to stretch your calves, thighs, hamstrings, glutes and back for 5-10 minutes.


One last thing: before, during and after your session, hydrate yourself! We can't say it enough.

next chronicle: making progress [3/8]

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